
As the Brexit Deadline Draws Near Homeowners Encouraged to Remortgage

As the Brexit Deadline Draws Near Homeowners Encouraged to Remortgage

As the end of September is marked on the calendar, it seems almost frightening that the Brexit deadline will be days away. No longer will the deadline be within another month than the one we exist. For homeowners considering taking advantage of the current remortgage offers, the crunch time to complete a deal before offers change is now upon them. However, it may be the opportunities to secure a low interest rate, obtain a long term fixed rate, or release equity into cash while finding savings on repayments that will push homeowners into action versus the deadline of Brexit.

Despite the possibility of Brexit causing changes to the lending market depending on a deal or no deal, homeowners may be more focused on what benefits a remortgage offers for them now. It should not be overlooked that not long after the Brexit deadline of 31 October, some experts believe the lending market could change. The best deals of today could disappear not long after the month of October ends.

Because there are a large number of homeowners due to have their mortgage deals end in October, and for other reasons as well, remortgage lenders are very competitive for the attention of homeowners. Therefore, there are some lenders, that for them, the interest rates being offered attached to remortgages are historically low. Along with low interest rates, the fixed rates offered are with longer terms than what have been available, such as 10 years and up to 30.

The Brexit deadline is drawing closer, but for homeowners focused on securing a remortgage for saving money and other benefits, the time to take action could certainly be sooner rather than later.


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