
Could This Year be the Best Yet for Remortgages

Could This Year be the Best Yet for Remortgages

As the world fell into the deep crevices of the financial crisis a few years ago, it was amazing to see interest rates reach levels not seen in this generation. However, had we known how super amazing the remortgage offers would be in the years ahead it would have astounded us. Global economic issues as well as domestic have pushed interest rates to even lower levels, and despite the low rates offered, lenders are still competitive for homeowners to remortgage. Could this year be the best yet for remortgages?

Homeowners have available to them not only a wide variety of products on the market, but many of the remortgage deals have incentives with them that sweeten up the deals. There are free valuations and free legal work attached to some remortgages, and interest rates are offered by many lenders at levels that have reached their all-time historic low for that institution.

With so many options available it could be hard for homeowners to decide which remortgage is best for their needs. Experts suggest that homeowners consider a remortgage deal as a “whole” and not just its parts, meaning don’t be swayed just by one part of a deal such as whether it is a fixed term or it has a low interest rate level. By looking at the remortgage as a whole, including any fees attached to it, a homeowner can more clearly see for instance if a low interest rate is truly a savings and if perhaps a bit higher rate gains a longer fixed rate term or other benefits.

Very rarely is a homeowner comparing apples to apples, so to speak, when looking at deals available in the lending market. Because deals are so different, it is more like comparing apples to oranges. That it is why a homeowner may want to consider working with a remortgage expert, such as a remortgage broker to get a clear in-depth look at what is available and how deals compare to one another.

Also, brokers often have exclusive deals available from lenders that are not openly offered to the general consumer public, so a treasure of a deal might be found by using a remortgage broker.

Homeowners are benefitting by taking a look at remortgage deals that are currently available. Even those not close to having their mortgage deal end could consider if ending their current mortgage deal early and paying a fee would be worth it due to a lower interest rate, a fixed term, or some other benefit. This year could very well be one of the best for remortgages due to the fact that homeowners are finding deals too good to pass them by.


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