
Home Buyers Still Active in Housing Market Due to Rare Opportunity

Home Buyers Still Active in Housing Market Due to Rare Opportunity

The housing market may not be in strong growth as in years past, but has been resilient during an unusual time due to Brexit. Most experts forecasted doom and gloom for the market. However, the market surprised those experts. Growth remained. Though not as robust, it has remained attractive to home buyers. There are too many opportunities to not pay attention and take advantage of the benefits available.

The average asking price for new properties coming onto the market has declined. That means home buyers are able to consider homes they might not have been able to otherwise. It has been noted that first time buyers have shifted to passing over the usual first time purchase of a flat in favor of three bedroom homes.

Another factor is that lenders are very competitive for attention from borrowers. In an effort to gain their attention, those lenders are putting out more attractive mortgage deals.

There are creative mortgage deals such as ones that offer 100% loan to value with a savings account in the amount of what would have been the home buyer’s purchase deposit by a family member. Thus the home buyer can obtain a mortgage without a deposit.

There are long term mortgages with low interest rates, and in some cases lenders are offering their lowest ever interest rate in history.

The mortgage lending market has opportunity for both home buyers and homeowners with mortgages and remortgages to be found that can offer savings that might not have been available only a year ago and might not be available in the months ahead.

The housing market might not be thriving, but it is certainly surviving, and home buyers should not overlook any opportunities they could take advantage of while they exist.

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