
Remortgage Could Offer Opportunities in the New Year

Remortgage Could Offer Opportunities in the New Year

We may not even be in the last quarter of the year yet, but it isn’t too early to plan for the next year. Setting goals for 2018 now will help you plan better and enable you to set into action the steps to accomplish your goals. Whether you want to consolidate debt, to travel in the New Year, to go somewhere sunny when winter sets in, or to refurbish your home, make a large purchase, or start a new business, a remortgage could help.

Currently lenders are still competitive and looking for customers. That means there are attractive remortgage products available to help put homeowners in a safer financial situation with a lower interest rate, a fixed rate, and/or a longer low interest rate term. This is especially true for the homeowners that have had their remortgage deal end and are now sitting on their lender’s standard variable rate (SVR), a risky situation for any budget set family or individual.

In addition to the benefits of a lower interest rate, a fixed rate, and a longer term with a low interest rate that could come with a remortgage, there is the opportunity to release equity as cash with a remortgage. This takes the equity built into the property and converts it to cash for the homeowner. The cash can then be used as the homeowner wishes, because it is their equity, their money.

Planning ahead could offer an opportunity to take care of getting a remortgage while interest rates are low and lending is still fluid. No one knows how soon interest rates could increase or when lending could tighten. The lending market conditions are favorable for homeowners, and remortgage products are full of incentives that will surely fit any need or unique requirement in a remortgage. Set yourself up for an exciting new year by planning early and shopping for a remortgage now.

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