
Remortgage Sector Expected to be Full of Activity through Quarter One

Remortgage Sector Expected to be Full of Activity through Quarter One

The year 2016 was filled with news-worthy items which had large impact, especially within the UK housing market. These included, but were certainly not limited to, the historic Brexit vote which took place in the month of June, and the introduction of the tax surcharge which was placed on second and third home purchases. Surprisingly, the housing market quickly bounced back and is now looking to have quite a strong run of activity within the year 2017.

Fixed rates on mortgages continue to see improvement for the UK property buyer as it remains on a downward path. Some experts believe this could be simply a correction, but only time will tell. However, these rates place the everyday property buyer in an excellent position and make it hard not to check property listings to see just what is available.

For those who are not looking to move home, but who are always searching for a way to save money off the cost of the monthly mortgage cost, there is a mortgage lending tool known as a remortgage. Many home owners are still completely unaware of the power of a remortgage as it can move mountains.

The process has now been streamlined and can be completed entirely online. It has the ability to not only save money each month, but also release cash from the amount idly sitting in home equity. A remortgage can release this cash and put it into the pockets of any homeowner willing to apply.

Freed cash is currently being used to pay off old debt, start massive home renovations, or to help put someone through university. That holiday which has always been planned but never taken can now be realised. 

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