
Timing of Remortgage is Important to Household Budget

Timing of Remortgage is Important to Household Budget

Timing, as it affects finances, is usually everything. There is a better than normal time to buy certain fruits and vegetables. There is a good time to buy certain makes and models of automobiles. Clothes for the season we just made it through should be purchased this season, and so on. As house owners decide to move home or just renovate with remortgage and stay, timing comes into play as well. Many experts believe this could be the perfect time to remortgage.

Low interest rates can now be found on most mortgage lending packages from many different lenders. These same lenders are attaching a massive number of incentives to these lending deals in an effort to attract more clients prior to Brexit. And at the same time, many are even offering cash back with these remortgage deals.

In the last fifteen months we have experienced two increases in the standard base rate. What started out in October of 2017 at 0.25% is now at a level not seen in many years – 0.75%.

In addition to interest rates increasing, uncertainty within the housing market is taking center stage in a market which is difficult to impossible of forecasting.

It could be the perfect time to remortgage in the minds of many housing experts. Too often, we wait and see what will happen to us next instead of making something happen on our own. This could be the case with mortgage lending.

Timing is everything in household budgeting and now could be the perfect moment to look into remortgage for a lower interest rate and a number of incentives.

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