Are Mortgage Advisors Unbiased?

When it comes to finding the right remortgage, you’ll want to get all the information and help you can to know you’ve made the right decision. Using the services of an independent mortgage adviser is a great way to make sure this happens.


It’s always advisable to find out what you can about the different types of remortgage option that are available to you, and to make sure you fully understand the implications of any you’re considering. However, nothing can really beat the knowledge and experience of an independent professional.

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There are many remortgage deals available and visible online as well as on the high street. However, there are a great many more that are not accessible to us ordinary consumers. There are many lenders, particularly specialist ones who deal for example in adverse credit, who will only work through advisers and brokers, and will not deal directly with consumers.


As well as offering you easy and fast access to a great range of remortgage products, an adviser is able to give you sound advice about the relative merits and drawbacks of each.


Great as they are, a website comparison tool can’t actually talk to you. An adviser on the other hand can deal directly with you, get a good feel for what you’re looking for and quickly filter through the options that might suit.

There is so much information available online that is genuinely really useful, but it can become a task in itself working out what sites you can trust, and which ones are basically trying to sell you something. The marketing and advertising for borrowing such as remortgages is often notoriously misleading, and working out whether a deal is a good one is no mean feat.


An independent adviser can give you the benefits of their knowledge and experience, making the process less stressful and arduous as well as getting you the best deals on the market.

Although a good mortgage adviser can therefore be trusted to give you the best advice, you should always make sure that you understand the terms of a remortgage deal yourself before committing to it. The adviser can help to explain the details in less baffling terms than you might find within the agreements, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a sound grasp of any deal you’re entering into before moving forward.