What is your house worth now on remortgaging?

The main factor you need to take into account when you're estimating the value of your house for remortgaging is not to rely solely on an estate agent's opinion. The estate agent will usually over or under value your property for their own gain to work out which option will give them the most money in the quickest time.

The main factors to consider when valuing your property are:
-    The local area
-    What houses like yours have gone for in the past
-    The value of the surrounding properties in your street or area

You don't want to think about:
-    What you paid for the house originally
-    What you've paid for in improvements
-    What you'd ideally like it to sell for

You'll then need to remember that your house is only worth what the buyer will pay for it and look at what all the similar properties in your area are selling for. You'll then need to take into account if your area is a big selling area and do houses that are put up for sale sell quickly?